Security (vCDN)

Security is a critical aspect of Content Delivery Network (CDN) services to protect your content and ensure a safe browsing experience. VNG Cloud offers a comprehensive set of features/elements to provide customers with secure information services as follows:

Features of CDN

  • SSL/TLS Encryption: Use SSL/TLS encryption to protect data during transmission, ensuring privacy and integrity.

  • Access Control: Leverage access control mechanisms to regulate who can access your content. Set up authentication and authorization protocols for user verification.

    • 2-step authentication (2FA): See more at Setting up 2-factor authentication

    • Restrict access to only authorized people: See more at IAM and Security Link.

  • DDoS Protection: Our vCDN service includes robust DDoS protection to mitigate and defend against DDoS attacks, ensuring service availability.

  • Regular Updates: Stay up to date with security patches and feature upgrades to protect against known vulnerabilities and improve security as soon as issues are discovered.

  • Monitoring and Logging: Deploy comprehensive monitoring tools and logging mechanisms to monitor CDN performance and identify potential security issues. Monitor traffic patterns and analyze logs to detect suspicious activities .

Recommendations to Users

  • Strong Passwords: Encourage users to create strong, unique passwords to access vCDN accounts and resources used.

  • Activity Monitoring: It is recommended that users regularly monitor vCDN accounts to detect unusual activities or unauthorized access.

  • Update Security Knowledge: Encourage users to refer to vCDN documents as well as security knowledge.

  • Report Suspicious Activity: Users are encouraged to immediately report any suspicious activity so that we can promptly investigate and handle it.

By combining the strong security features of our vCDN service with user initiative, we aim to create a more secure and reliable content delivery environment for customers ours.

Last updated