Use Deny permission to deny access
When you need to decentralize access to allow all actions except a few specific actions, you need to create a Policy and use Deny Permission to simplify decentralization. In this tutorial, we will guide you to grant permissions to User: System1 to perform all vServer actions (Full Access), but not to allow action:Delete on Resource:server , to ensure User: System1 Do not delete any servers . The model will look like below:
To set up IAM according to the above model, we will have the following steps:
Step 1 : Create User: System1 if you do not have a User Account (note that if you already have User: System1, make sure User: System1 does not have any rights or does not have rights that overlap with the instructions)
Step 2 : Create a Policy with the name vServerFullAccessExceptDeleteServer that allows access to the entire vServer Resource, but does not allow Delete Server
Step 3 : Attach Policy: vServerFullAccessExceptDeleteServer to User: System1
Step 4 : Log in and check the rights of User: System1
Detailed steps are as follows
Step 1: Create User: System1 if you do not have a User Account (note that if you already have User: System1, make sure User: System1 does not have any rights or does not have rights that overlap with the instructions)
Create a User Account by accessing the User Account tab on the IAM management page here , clicking Create a User Account, filling in Username and Password information, then clicking Create User Account
After successfully creating a User Account, it will be listed on the User Account page as below
Step 2: Create a Policy with the name vServerFullAccessExceptDeleteServer that allows access to all resources of vServer, but does not allow Delete Server
To create a Policy, go to the Policy tab on the IAM page here , click Create a Policy , name the Policy: vServerFullAccessExceptDeleteServer and click Next step
Click JSON to switch to JSON mode and create a Policy with the available JSON segment
Use the JSON snippet below and copy it into Policy
Click Create policy to create Policy
Step 3 : Attach Policy: vServerFullAccessExceptDeleteServer to User: System1
After successfully creating Policy: vServerFullAccessExceptDeleteServer, you proceed to attach this Policy to User: System1, you can do it in User Account or Policy, here we will guide in Policy, click on the name of the Policy to go to the details page. Policy details:
Select the Policy usage tab and click Attach to add User: System1
Select User: System1 and click Add
After adding User: System1 to Policy: vServerFullAccessExceptDeleteServer, you will see information like below
Step 4 : Log in and check the rights of User: System1
Now you can log in to User: System1 to check permissions
Access vServer here , without logging into any account you will be redirected to the sign-in page, select " Sign-in With IAM User Account "
Fill in the root user email account information that User: System1 was previously created, IAM username and password information of User: System1, click Sign-in with IAM User Account
At this point you will see that User: System1 will have full rights on vServer but cannot delete any Resource: server
Accessed web1-server's detail page successfully
Successfully shutdown web1-server:
But the server web1-server cannot be deleted
So you have completed the authorization allowing User: System1 to perform all vServer actions (Full Access), but not allowing action:Delete to be performed on Resource:server, to ensure User: System1 is not deleted. any servers.
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