Containers overview

To store your data within a project, you need to create a container and upload objects to that container. A container is an object that holds data (Object) in vStorage and can be understood as being equivalent to a directory in an operating system. You can manage files and directories using the tools and APIs provided.

In a project, you can initialize one or more containers that act as directories to organize data. However, containers differ from directories in that a container is hierarchical, allowing users or service providers to provide and enforce features from this hierarchy down. For example, we provide features such as quota, lifecycle, ACLs, etc., for each container in a project.

In terms of deployment, projects, containers, and objects are resources in vStorage, and we also provide APIs for you to manage them. For example, you can create a project, container, and upload objects using the API. You can also use the administration interface we provide or third-party software to perform these operations.

This section describes working with containers. For information on working with containers, please refer to the documentation on Working with containers.

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