Connect MDS Instance

How to Connect to Your Redis DB Instance

You have several options for connecting to your Redis DB Instance:

1. Using a Graphical User Interface (GUI):

2. Using the Command Line Interface (CLI) with redis-cli:

  • Download and install redis-cli:

    • On Linux, you can download the source code and build it:Bash

      tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
      cd redis-stable
      make distclean  # Ubuntu systems only
      sudo make install

      Hãy thận trọng khi sử dụng các đoạn mã.

  • Step 1: Identify Endpoint & Port:

    • Go to the Database management interface, select your newly created MemoryCache Database instance, go to the Connectivity & Security tab, and look under Endpoint & Port.

    • For security reasons, MDS Instances only have a Private Endpoint. You can only connect to it from a vServer in the same Network or from Networks with open ACLs.

    • Alternatively, you can set up an SSH Tunnel on a vServer in the same Network as this MDS Instance and connect remotely via the Internet.

  • Step 2 (Optional): Customize Security Group Rules:

    • The Security Group Rules section allows you to restrict which Remote IPs can access your DB Instance.

    • By default, VNG Cloud allows unrestricted access from anywhere ( to your DB Instance. It's recommended to customize this to allow access only from trusted IPs.

    • To change the rules, select EDIT and enter the appropriate IP (in CIDR format). You can also add new rules by clicking ADD RULE.

    • After editing, click Save and wait for the changes to be applied.

    • Use tools like telnet to ensure a smooth connection.

  • Step 3: Connect using redis-cli:

    • Once you have the endpoint information (IP and port), you can connect using redis-cli:Bash

      redis-cli -h <your_db_instance_ip> -p <your_db_instance_port>

      Hãy thận trọng khi sử dụng các đoạn mã.For example:Bash

      redis-cli -h -p 6379> 

      Hãy thận trọng khi sử dụng các đoạn mã.

Congratulations, you have successfully connected to your Redis DB Instance!

Last updated