Identity Providers

Identity Provider is a feature that allows you to manage resources on VNG Cloud with a set of users on the enterprise's authentication system, helping enterprises centrally manage users and without having to create additional IAM user accounts on VNG Cloud. IAM supports the SAML2.0 protocol to communicate with authentication systems, currently only supported with Azure AD.

Why use Identity Provider?

To better understand how it works and the benefits of using IAM Identity Provider in the enterprise, we provide a specific situation to help users have a more detailed view as follows:

  • Context Enterprise A has 10 employees, managed through a Microsoft account with the name nhanvien1 → nhanvien10.

  • Enterprise A is structured into 3 departments, including: Administration - Accounting Department, IT Department and Sales Department. Enterprise A uses VNG Cloud's cloud computing services**,** including**: vServer, vStorage and vMonitor.**

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