
Volume is an object in a virtualized environment responsible for providing block storage to servers with high availability and performance. You can use Volumes to store data and applications, or you can attach one or more Volumes to a Server while creating the Server or later while the Server is running. You can detach a volume from a Server and attach to another Server.

Volume basics

When you use volumes, note that:

  • Maximum size for single volume is 1TB

  • A volume without multi-attach property can only be attached to one VM instance at any given time. A multi-attach volume can be accessed by multiple VM instances at the same time. You can set this property at creating volume.

  • A root volume is always attached to its owner VM instance and cannot be detached.

  • A data volume can be attached to or detached from different VM instances.

  • You can set QoS for volumes by choosing Volume Type to limit the disk bandwidth and IOPS

  • You can enable data encryption at provisioning volume to protect data. VNG Cloud supports aes-xts-plain64 (128bits) algorithm.

Work with volume

Create volume

There are two type of volume usage, boot volume and data volume. For boot volume, you can provide information of volume when create VM instance. Data volume can be created independently from Volume management view.

  1. Go to VNG Cloud Portal console, navigate to Volume page

  2. Create a data volume and provide information such as name, data size, IOPS quota, multi-attach and encryption option.

  3. You can check the price of volume on the right panel, then click Create.

Attach volume to VM Instance

  1. Go to VNG Cloud Portal console, navigate to Volume page

  2. Select Data volume to attach, expand menu action on the right side, select Attach.

  3. Select VM instance to attach, then go to VM instance to operate your volume like create partition, format and mount.

Detach volume from VM Instance

  1. Go to VNG Cloud Portal console, navigate to Volume page

  2. Select Data volume to detach, expand menu action on the right side, select Detach.

  3. Select VM instance to detach.

Change volume QoS (Volume Type) - TBA

Delete volume

Only volume with status Available can be deleted.

  1. Go to VNG Cloud Portal console, navigate to Volume page

  2. Select Data volume to delete, expand menu action on the right side, select Delete.

Last updated